Friday, November 26, 2010

Evangelical Consumers vs. Band Wagon Minimalists

I love reading my Facebook feed on Black Firday. It's a battle between the Evangelical Consumers and the Band Wagon Minimalists. I gotta give it up to the people standing in line at Walmart at midnight. They are a symbol for what we truly are. People are consumers. It's what we do. We work all week to fill our immediate needs, then out immediate wants, followed by our future needs and wants. It's just our our nature. I'd like to punch everyone in the face who boycotts Black Friday and owns a dishwasher or a TV. You're not Tyler Durdon and you're sure as hell not Siddhārtha. We are impulsive creatures who rarly resist our urges to consume and reproduce. So to all the Band Wagon Minimalists...If you sell all your worldly possessions, seek enlightment, and update your facebook status from a public library, I'll start taking your cathartic updates a little more seriosuly. In the mean time you can find me at a department store frantically sorting through a mountain of $5 t-shirts trying to find my size.

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