Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I lost a friend today

Today I found out one of my favorite people from my old office died over the weekend. He was a cool ass dude. David was a total no bullshit kinda guy. I don't think anyone is immortal nor do I wish them to be. The death of others passes by me pretty fast. I just pretend I haven't seen them in a while. I deal really well with travesty. What hit me about it was where he was in life. David was in his 50's and amassing his retirement. He was doing very well. I think he left his wife with 7 or so paid off houses all rented. Not that she wouldn't be fine on her own. Debbie took no prisoners. But David and Debbie's plan was to knock this REO thing out for the next few years and then do nothing. David used to always say, "I do nothing very well." He was just years away from his goal. He was also in the middle of remodeling his house. He had lived so conservatively for years it never got done. He honestly didn't care if it ever did. David was happy with what he had. He died knowing his wife will always be taken care of.

Here's the thing. Why do we dream about retirement instead of living for today? Everyone is worried about their retirement because they hate what they do so much. They're always trying to beat the Jonse's. Both parents work to pay for their over sized house, the trailer, the boat, etc. For what? So they can be miserable 90% of the time and spend their entire vacation talking about how much they hate their job. It's bullshit. A fucking airplane engine could fall through your roof and kill you.

I have almost nothing right now except for a jeep and my family. It's the best I've ever felt in my entire life. Tyler Durdon was right. It's only when we have nothing that we are free to do anything. Don't get me wrong, I want financial security but not at the cost of misery. Take two second to look at what you have. Don't be mad there isn't a Porsche in the driveway, be happy you don't have to take the bus. If you take the bus, be happy one runs in your town. If you have a shit job, be happy it's a job. Even if you sleep on someone couch, be happy you have a friend who lets you. This is just another reminder why I have to live every day.

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